
Figure it Out! Book Summary for Ambitious Female Founders

Written by Admin | Sep 25, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Figure it Out! Book Summary for Ambitious Female Founders

Do you ever feel overwhelmed pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams? Like you don’t have the answers or ability to figure everything out? Do fears of failure and self-doubt hold you back from taking action? As entrepreneurs, we face countless challenges – from cash flow crises to product problems that seem unsolvable. Self-doubt, fear of failure, and constant firefighting can leave you stuck and overwhelmed. In Everything is Figureoutable, Marie Forleo delivers an empowering message–you can solve any problem, learn any skill, and achieve your vision with the right mindset and strategic effort. Developing a “figure it out” attitude is critical to entrepreneurial achievement.

10 Key Ideas

Here is a summary of 10 key ideas in Everything is Figureoutable for female entrepreneurs:

  1. Adopt a “figure it out” mindset, e.g., Believe you can learn the skills to start a social media consulting agency even if you have no experience yet.
  2. Slow down to speed up, e.g., Take time to outline your service offerings and ideal client before launching your life coaching business.
  3. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, e.g., Start pitching prospective clients for your PR agency despite feeling nervous.
  4. Embrace being a beginner, e.g., Take an online course on web design to gain skills for your new web design service business.
  5. Ask for help, e.g., Join a mastermind group to get feedback as you start your marketing consulting firm.
  6. Make failure your friend, e.g., View a partnership that didn’t work out for your interior design firm as a learning experience.
  7. Use props for motivation, e.g., Post inspirational quotes around your office space as you build your law practice.
  8. Get out of your own way, e.g., Work through imposter syndrome during the growth phases of your social media agency.
  9. Commit to repetition, e.g., Consistently network to find new clients for your graphic design business.
  10. Unlock creativity, e.g., Try unconventional tactics like giveaways to attract clients for your copywriting service.


Everything is Figureoutable provides an essential mindset shift to unlock your potential no matter where you start. You’ll gain the confidence, resilience, and tools to tackle every challenge and pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?

I give the content of this book a big thumbs up! I truly believe everything is figureoutable, and this book helped reinforce it. I loved Marie’s suggestion in Chapter 1 to use the book’s cover for the wallpaper on your phone. I did it immediately, and besides loving the colors, you see it every time you pick up your phone. What a great reminder!

I recommend this book to any female entrepreneur looking to boost her confidence, resilience, and problem-solving abilities. I have the softcover book and the audiobook, narrated by the author. I enjoyed the audiobook even more than the softcover because hearing Marie tell all the stories in the book added to the experience. Her warm, candid voice makes the advice feel like a pep talk from a trusted mentor. You’ll come away fired up and equipped with concrete strategies to tackle every challenge. Figure it out, ladies – you’ve got this!

Happy reading (or listening)!

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